Michael Burke

Face Life and Business Challenges with Confidence and Ease

Life is too short to settle for less.
Live, lead, and achieve with confidence and ease.

Professional and Personal Development

Live Bold Coaching

Peak Performance

Peak Performance

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Healthy Relationships

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Your mind can be the greatest ROADBLOCK to success and happiness by making things harder than they have to be.

OR it can be your greatest ASSET with laser-focused, clear-headed action.

Build Mental Fitness so you are at your very best during challenges and in pursuit of important goals.

Feel like you’re pushing boulders uphill?

Know that more is possible, but feeling stuck?

Drained from the constant struggle?

Frustrated by others’ actions?

Michael will help you get unstuck, unfrustrated, and reenergized in your personal and professional life.

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Feel like you’re pushing boulders uphill?

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Know that more is possible, but feeling stuck?

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Drained from the constant struggle?

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Frustrated by others’ actions?

Michael will help you get unstuck, unfrustrated, and reenergized in your personal and professional life.

The BOLD Plan

Step One Graphic

Schedule a Complimentary Compatibility Call with Michael.

Step 2 Graphic

Grow Your Mental Fitness and Resolve Challenges at the Source.

Step 3 Graphic - Accomplishment

Transform Stressors into Opportunities for Greater Success, Health, and Happiness.


Increased Confidence, Less Stress
By flipping the script on my Saboteurs I have decreased the stress of running a business. There is a noticeable increase in confidence to handle more of life’s stressors.
~ Jeanet Wade Testimonial, Business Owner and Author
More Clarity, Focus, and Ease
I increasingly approach challenges with clarity, focus and more ease. Michael’s coaching is a key factor in this change and with him as “the guide by my side” I quickly identify and understand Saboteurs and switch to Sage.
~ John Gross, Business Owner, EOS Implementor
Better Human, Coach, and Facilitator
With Michael as my coach, I clearly understand PQ principles and immediately apply them with the highest degree of effectiveness. Simply put, I’ve become a better human, coach, and facilitator. This experience has helped me so much, I share it with everyone.

The best decision I ever made.
~ Sonya Jury, Business Owner
Life Changing
If you are currently struggling with who you are, what you are capable of and/or what you bring to the table as a person or employee, this program is LIFE CHANGING. Mike is BY FAR the most compassionate, understanding, empathetic, creative and optimistic person I know.
~ Sherri Morris, Director of Executive Services


The MENTAL FITNESS Program, powers full potential and gets proven results. Time and again, our clients experience…

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Manage Stress Better

Improve Relationships

Use Mental/Emotional Energy More Effectively

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Manage Stress Better

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Improve Relationships

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Use Mental/Emotional Energy More Effectively

Whether you are a business owner or a leader with a struggling team The MENTAL FITNESS Program can help you. You will build the mental muscles required to take laser-focused, clear-headed action amidst your challenge

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Stressed? Drained? Worried?
Get your 2-minute Mental Fitness reset.

Reenergize | Refocus | Relax

Download Your Complimentary Copy of “2-Minute Essentials for Success, Health, and Happiness”

Michael Burke

Michael Burke

Coach, Speaker & Author

My interest in mental fitness comes from a few places. Being born with a life-threatening chronic illness created much unease. I often wondered if I could overcome the medical challenges and limited life expectancy.

Professionally I rose through the ranks rapidly to become a Director Of Sales for a prestigious hotel company. In that position, without leadership training, I didn’t understand what made people tick so leading others was stressful and frustrating.

As a marathon runner with a rare medical condition I wanted to know how to get every ounce of potential from my body and mind while doing something nobody had done previously. Whether in my personal or professional life this journey taught me how to lean into challenges with an authentic positive mindset but it took years of trial and error. You don’t have to “go at it alone” and struggle for years.

Over 10 years coaching others to their highest personal and professional aspirations and through life’s toughest challenges. Education:

  • Over 100 hours of International Coach Federation certified class hours
  • Certified Positive Intelligence Coach
  • Certified D.I.S.C. facilitator
Michael Burke
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